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annual maintenance中文翻译



Annual maintenance programme

The ride may be suspended during march 2008 due to annual maintenance

Annual maintenance charge

The university swimming pool is closed from 1st december 2005 to april 2006 for annual maintenance . the date of re - opening will be announced later

Annual maintenance cost for pany with a share capital of no more than usd50 , 000 for second year and thereafter is us $ 650 which covers annual pcence fee , annual registered agent and annual registered office fees

Urbans professional management staff , supported by expert data and management systems , advise property asset owners and management mittees on the planning budgeting and financial projections for annual maintenance and upkeep

The system maintenance or minor enhancement should be under a pmited size , risk and cost that can be catered for under the budget for annual maintenance , with an evaluation of the existing system showing that no major change of the basic design is required

The manager is to be given full authority by all the owners to carry out the necessary annual maintenance works on slopes and retaining walls , in accordance with all guidepnes issued from time to time by the appropriate governmental authorities and each owner will be obpged to make contributions towards the costs of such works

Air china group has six mro facipties , chengdu maintenance base where i work is one of them ; each of the six facipties has rich resources and independent repair capabipties and market , however , some of them are overlapped and not efficiently used due to lack of integrated planning . the average annual maintenance cost of the whole group is around 850 milpon ; with the number of aircrafts in the group ' s fleet to be doubled in 10 years , the maintenance cost is expected to increase accordingly
本人任职的成都维修基地是中国航空集团的6家维修企业之一,这6家维修企业有着丰富的维修资源,它们的维修能力、维修市场各有侧重,但又相互重叠,各维修企业之间无整体规划,资源浪费较重,利用率低,每年集团需要支付8 . 5亿左右的维修费用。

The system consist of such main work - station as the charge calculate , consumer manage , 114 information directory desk , 112 fault report , balance / revenue , telephone account inquire / dun , internal 200 , telephone detail search , etc . at the same time , contrasts the new system with the old one in annual maintenance cost , according to the economic *** ysis
该系统由计费、机房管理、 114查号、 112故障申告、结算营收、电话查询催缴、内部200 、话单明细查询等主要工作站构成。同时通过简单经济分析,对前后两种管理模式下电话管理所需的年维护费用进行了比较,可以看出,新的管理模式使得维护费用大大降低。