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1、 你在这儿。英语翻译成陈述句,疑问句和倒装句?

陈述句:You are here. 你在这儿。疑问句:Are you here? 你在这儿吗?倒装句:Here you are. 给你。(句意发生改变) 你在这儿。英语翻译成陈述句 You are here,疑问句 Are you here?倒装句 Here you are.

2、 That had some shoes like thosetwomonthsago变为一般疑问句?

That had some shoes like those two months ago变为一般疑问句 解答:Did that have any shoes like those two months ago?

3、 怎么改成疑问句?

the teachers are my friends。怎么改成疑问句 怎么改一般疑问句?

4、 下面的句子是反问句还是疑问句分别表达了什么意思?

①:你觉得我会吗?②:你感觉我像是那种人吗?③:你怎么能这样呢?④:你怎么知道我在你之前没有来过呢? 反问句,加强语气。增加感情色彩

5、 一般过去时特殊疑问句助动词

结尾是about的一般过去时的特殊疑问句的助动词用什么? 比如你刚尖叫什么呢是What we旦常测端爻得诧全超户re you scream about?还是What did you scream about?还是其他? 后者对,前者可改为what were you screaming about?

6、 孩子们会在海滩上收集垃圾 怎么改成疑问句

问 : The children孩沪粉疚莠狡疯挟弗锚 will collect litter on the besch 要把它改为一般疑问句 求解答! 把will提到最前大写就可以了

7、 英语反意疑问句


8、 My brother ate Beijing Duck改为一般疑问句并作否定回答

_____your 乏订催寡诎干挫吮旦经brother______Beijing Dck?No,______ ______. __Did___your brother__eat____Beijing Dck?No,___he___ __didnt____.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

9、 My sister has a fever yesterday改为一般疑问句

She had a good time at the party改为同义句 Does your sister have a fever yesterday?

10、 (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)1.my aunt likes drawing pictur

s. What does your aunt like



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