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寒假生活 寒假过去了,可我还在回味寒假中的一件趣事——放鞭炮。放鞭炮是新年的习俗,对我们小孩子来说,在新年是最有趣的事情。正好,我们今年的新年就在外婆家的“爆竹声”中度过的。 我们在除夕那一晚,来到外婆家,在客厅坐了一下,我的舅舅也在那,收了几封利市,舅舅的孩子便吵着要放鞭炮。刚好我们也买了些炮过来。妈妈对我说“你上去跟他们一起放,看好他们。”我兴奋地说:“好啊!”其实我比他们还要高兴。 我们飞快地走了上了天台,迫不及待的撕开了装鞭炮的胶袋,不过我看到鞭炮的种类也真不少:冲天炮、轰炸机、地老鼠、降落伞。最常见的火柴炮和沙炮也有,烟花也有不少。 我先让他们点几枝香过来,免得到时用火机时烧到手。一切准备就绪以后,我们便可以开始放了。“先放什么好呢?”我正在沉思。突然,我妹妹对我说:“先放‘降落伞’吧。我还没看过呢!”其他孩子也表示赞成。“好!”我装着一副“孩子王”的样子说。 接着我把“降落伞”放在平地上,点燃了导火索,便走到一边去。只见“降落伞”“吁”的一声就飞到了天空中,就是“啪”的爆了,最有趣的来了:一个玩具小人拿着降落伞从天而降。就好像是日本人来侵略中国的战斗机爆炸了,大家看到这个情形都高兴得连拍手掌。 跟着放“地老鼠”吧!我把香递给妹妹,让她来放。只见她把炮放在空地上,小心翼翼地点燃了以后,便走得远远的。“地老鼠”马上开始分散,到处乱窜,还闪着不同颜色的火光,可一会儿便熄灭了。我不禁感慨:它的“生命”虽然很短,但它也对人们做出了贡献,给人们带来了快乐! 正在我思考的时候,妈妈上来了,高兴地说:“大家一起放烟花吧!”“好啊!”很明显他们以耐不住性子了。就这样,在黑夜中,他们拿着各自的烟花,在欢快地走着、跳着。我不禁笑了起来! 因为我仿佛看到了祖国的希望在这片黑夜中闪烁着。今年的放着鞭炮过除夕,过得还真充实。下年,我还要来。 这分一定要给我呀!我是第一个回答的   放寒假,过春节,没有什么能比鞭炮更具象征性了,每逢过年过节,第一个想法便是放鞭炮,看到街上花花绿绿的鞭炮,就一阵心痒------ 今年我们是回大伯家过的节,哥哥嫂嫂都``慷慨解囊’’,购置了一大堆鞭炮放在屋角,我们小孩见了,总不忘翻翻看看,摸上几下,一会儿这好,一会儿那好,议论纷纷,离过年还有一些天的时候,各自的鞭炮分配便列出了帐单。 可我们还能忍的住诱惑,不至于大叫大嚷,我们极力在大人面前作出急不可待的样子,好让他们心动,带我们飙一回,可这些大人们就像故意逗我们玩似的,视而不见,但也没人敢当面提出,那样就免不了一顿数落,于是我们铁了心,专拣那些小玩意,不易察觉的小盒炮,藏在布袋里,跑远远的去偷放,我们都珍惜着呢!谁都把10几根擦炮藏在最隐蔽的布袋里,互相不停得说:“先放你的,你的多。”“我已经没有了,不信你搜身。”“说话算话,搜出来给我。”“那可不行。”“那就放你的。”“猜拳谁输放谁的”每一根炮都免不了这样叽叽喳喳的争论,争得烦了,也就各自拿各自的,自己到一边放去了。从布袋里小心翼翼的摸出一根,再往地上瞅半天,生怕不小心带出来掉在地上,确认没有以后,便拿出擦盒,猛擦几下,擦跑一头刺出了火焰,一甩手,人的远远的,然后捂住耳朵,目不转睛的顶着那一股冒烟的炮,只待啪的一声,便高兴的直跳,过了一会儿,在地上炸腻了,便四处找水,想在水里见识见识炮的威力,好不容易找到一处小水坑,“这是我找到的,你们别抢”“不是你,是我”这时又免不了一番讲理,接着,不知谁喊了一声,“点火了。”人便都往后退,待说话人点上火,扔进去,索性连耳朵都不捂了,啪一声,水溅得老高,这边便又大叫起来,可这在水里放炮不像在陆地上放那样容易,这是需要经验的。我曾仔细看那有经验的放炮,只见他擦燃后,并不直接就扔,而要燃烧半秒再扔进水里,这样便会屡扔屡炸,不然便会在水中熄灭,那样就会大大的浪费鞭炮,这可不是我们愿意的。 这样游戏过几天后,便到了大年初一,那时,那些打得新奇玩意儿就要出场了,我们那时的兴致更高,到时候,千家万户都出来放炮,那阵势,简直跟战场没有两样,我们穿梭在中间仔细寻找没有炸的剩余,那是非常幸运才能找得到的,但我们仍不放弃那0。001%的希望。 待到大年初二,鞭炮声忽的全停了,那么整齐,那么不约而同,偶尔有一两声零碎地响,又更加让人感到寂静,空虚,大年初一这么快就过完了,是的,确实过完了,就那么一瞬,我们的工作,便只有等待,等待下一个遥遥无期的春节 假,过春节,没有什么能比鞭炮更具象征性了,每逢过年过节,第一个想法便是放鞭炮,看到街上花花绿绿的鞭炮,就一阵心痒------   The winter holidays have passed, I still savoring something interesting in the winter break - firecrackers. Firecrackers is the custom of the New Year, for our children, is the most interesting thing in the New Year. Exactly, this year's New Year's grandma "Firecrackers" spent. New Year's Eve night, we went to grandma, sat in the living room, and my uncle was there, received a few letters of a highly profitable market, the uncle of the children will be clamoring to set off firecrackers. Just when we bought some guns over. My mother said to me, "Go and put together with them, promising them." I said excitedly: "Well!" In fact, I was also pleased. We flew away on a rooftop, wait torn plastic bags loaded firecrackers, but I see the kind of firecrackers also plenty of money: rockets, bombers, and mice, parachute. The most mon match guns and sand cannon, fireworks, there are many. I let them point to a few of them the incense over, get free use of fire burn your fingers. Everything is ready, we can begin to put. "First put what is good?" I'm meditating. Suddenly, my sister said to me: "put the first 'parachute' I have not seen it!" In favor of other children. "I pretended a" child king "like said. Then I put the parachute on level ground, lit the fuse, and they went off to. Saw the "parachute" bang "Whoa" flew in the sky, "pop" critical to the most interesting: a toy villain holding a parachute fall from the sky. Like the Japanese aggression against China's fighter exploded, we see this situation are happy Continuous palm. Put "ground rat" follow it! I handed the Hong sister, let her put. I saw her put the gun on the open space, carefully lit, they are far away. "To mice immediately started to disperse, scurrying around, also flashing different colors of flames, while they extinguished. I can not help feeling: Life is very short, but it is also for people to make a contribution to bring happiness to the people! When I think, my mother will e up, said happily: "with the fireworks display in it!" Well! "Obviously they lost patience. In this way, in the night, they took their own fireworks, walked merrily and dances. I could not help laughing! Because I seem to see the hope of the motherland is shining in this night. This year set off the firecrackers over New Year's Eve, flies really fulfilling. Next year, I would also like to   1. ...自己写呗.....   zijixie



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