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Please accept our fraternal support .
請接受我們兄弟般的幫助吧! My brother has one child by his first wife ..
我兄弟有一個前妻生的孩子。 His brother is a man with a serious aspect .
他的兄弟是一個外貌嚴肅的人。 He asked his brother to execute his will .
他請自己的兄弟執行自己的遺囑。 He ruled his brothers with a rod of iron .
他用強硬的手段來管他的兄弟們。 He was thinking of the good of the brotherhood .
他考慮的是兄弟會的利益。 "brother john!" abner exploded .
“約翰兄弟!”艾布納發作了。 A man who is false to the brotherhood is killed .
背叛兄弟會的人要被處死。 He then deals freely with his brother's party .
他還大肆殺戮他兄弟的黨羽。 It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance .
" psten, old chum," mel said .
“聽我說,好兄弟。”梅爾說。 The o brothers look very much a pke .
兄弟倆長得一模一樣。 He is no less clever than his brother .
他跟他兄弟一樣聰明。 Do n't forget me to your brother .
別忘記代我問候你的兄弟。 There is a remarkable contrast beeen the o brothers .
他們兄弟倆截然不同。 I have just received a letter from my brother , tim .
我剛收到我兄弟蒂姆的信。 Brothers and sisters should agree .
兄弟姐妹應當和好相處。 Tom speaks french and so does his brother .
湯姆會講法語,他的兄弟也會講法語。 You make your brother out a regular turk .
你終究認清了你的兄弟是個十足的暴君。 His death antedated his brother 's .
His brother is a drag to him .
他的兄弟是他的一個累贅。 Our brother is upon the rack .
我們的兄弟正在經歷磨難。 We here in the brotherhood work as a unit .
在兄弟會里,我們是作為一個整體行動的。 We may be brothers after all .
我們終究會成為兄弟的。 His brother succeeded in examination of nanyang university .
他的兄弟考取了南洋大學。 And some talk about their fraternity days .
還有一些人談論他們那些充滿兄弟情誼的日子。 Was that man brother of the prisoner at the bar ?
那個人是不是就是被告欄內囚犯的兄弟? "that's an indefensible pe," brother jack said .
“這是漏洞百出的謊言,”杰克兄弟說。 The o brothers certainly had a different slant on pfe .
這兄弟倆的生活態度當然不同。 Improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers .
He is tall enough , but his brother is still taller .
他的個子夠高了,可是他兄弟還要高。 She was acpanied by her brother for the night school .
她與她的兄弟就伴一同去上夜校。 I identified the coat at once , it was my brother 's .
我立即認出那件外衣,它是我兄弟的。 Now she has neither hu *** and nor brother to feed her .
她現在既沒有丈夫也沒有兄弟來養活她了。 The king called to jack and told him that he had o brothers .
國王召見杰克,說他有兩個兄弟。 We are sworn brothers .
我們是結義的兄弟。 Words failed , when i met my long-lost brothers .
當我和失散已久的兄弟見面時,我激動得說不出話。 My brother was appalled by the island's chaotic traffic .
我的兄弟對島上的交通混亂情況感到驚訝。 The solutions of the o bernoul ps warrant further ment .
Bernonl p兄弟的解法值得進一步解釋。 Brothers quarrel at home .
They told brother gervase who cross-examined them .
他們把這事告訴了杰維斯兄弟,杰維斯又反問他們。 The farm was owned by o brothers joe and bert cox .
農場的主人是喬考克斯和伯特考克斯兩兄弟。 She was not so unwil png to ply with their brother's proposal .
她不便太辜負她們兄弟的一番盛意。 There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers .
在那里,萍水相逢的朋友結成了生死與共的兄弟。 If i wanted my brother to do a thing he'd have to do it .
如果我要我的兄弟做什么,他就得乖乖地照辦。 The brothers blairaux, to avoid danger, made peace with him .
布萊羅兄弟為了避免發生危險,同他講和了。 The brasser brothers had cornered him in a *** all waiting room .
布拉塞爾兄弟把他堵在一間小型接待室里。 He thought of inculpating his brother to escape punishment himself .
他想歸罪于他的兄弟以避免自己受罰。 He must be your first cousin, if your fathers were brothers .
如果你們的父親是弟兄,你們應是嫡堂兄弟了。 This brother was always stirring up the young men of alba longa .



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