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停止英语是什么意思 停止英语叫什么



停止:stopstop英 [st?p] 美 [stɑp] vt. 停止;堵塞;断绝vi. 停止;中止;逗留;被塞住n. 停止;车站;障碍;逗留[ 过去式 stopped 或 stopt 过去分词 stopped 或 stopt 现在分词 stopping ]



cessation、surcease、stopping、shuttingdown、ceasing一、cessation 英 [se’se??n] 美 [se’se??n]    n. 终止;(短暂的)停止例:We were off the mark as soon as the bell for the cessation of work sounded.停止工作的铃声一响,我们马上就走了。二、surcease 英 [s??’si?s] 美 [s?’si?s]    n. 停止;完结v. (使)停止例:No time for aught but worry and struggle.No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death.他们没有时间去追求任何东西,每天就在那里担忧和挣扎,他们没有任何愿望,仅仅希望自己能在死后摆脱痛苦。三、stopping 英 [‘st?p??] 美 [‘st?p??]    n. 停止;填塞物动词stop的现在分词形式.例:He hurried past me without stopping.他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。四、shuttingdown 英 [‘??t??da?n]  美 [‘??t??da?n]    停止例:shuttingdown the system for a few hours will be of little significance,系统关闭几个小时没有意义。五、ceasing 英 [‘si?s??]     美 [‘si?s??]    n. 停止;中止;终了动词cease的现在分词形式.例:Although the rain pours down, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field still smiles.虽然大雨滂沱,停止了所有的户外活动,但是农民们仍然面带微笑。


停止的英文单词有:stop、halt、quit、cessation、cease1、stop  读音:英 [st?p]  美 [stɑ?p]    v. 停止;阻止;停留 n. 停止;逗留;车站例句:They stopped to talk when they met on the street.他们在街上相遇时,停下来聊了几句。2、halt  读音:英 [h??lt]  美 [h??lt]    n. 停止;止步 v. 停止;中止;暂停v. 踌躇;犹豫;跛行例句:The officer called a halt to attacks.那个军官下令停止进攻。3、quit  读音:英 [kw?t] 美 [kw?t]    v. 停止;离开;退出;辞职例句:Quit work when the siren sounds. 4、cessation 读音:英 [se’se??n]   美 [se’se??n]    n. 终止;(短暂的)停止例句:Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。读音:英 [si:s] 美 [sis] vt.停止,终止,结束vi.终止,停止;永不停止的过程;停止行动 n.停止例句:At one o’clock the rain had ceased.


停止英文:cease、stop、halt、suspend、black out、call off ;

1、cease 读音:英 [si?s]   美 [si?s]    ;释义:v. 终止;停止 n. 停止;例句:At one o’clock the rain had ceased. ;一点时,雨已停了。;

2、stop 读音:英 [st?p] 美 [stɑ?p]    ;释义:v. 停止;阻止;停留 n. 停止;逗留;车站;例句:Can’t you just stop?;你就不能停一停吗?;

3、halt 读音:英 [h??lt] 美 [h??lt]    ;释义:n. 停止;止步 v. 停止;中止;暂停;v. 踌躇;犹豫;跛行;例句:They halted at a short distance from the house ;他们在离房子不远处停了下来。;

4、suspend 读音:英 [s?’spend] 美 [s?’spend]    ;释义:v. 暂停;悬浮;中止;勒令停职;例句:I am gonna suspend you for two weeks for your conduct and for assaulting a teacher. ;我要停你两个星期的课,由于你的行为和由于你袭击了一位老师。;

5、black out 读音:英 [bl?k aut] 美 [bl?k a?t] ;释义:v.熄灯;灯火管制;停止;中断;例句:TV pictures of the demonstration were blacked out.;示威画面被禁止在电视上播出。;

6、call off 读音:英 [k?:l ?f] 美 [k?l ?f] ;释义:取消;点名;转移(某人的注意力等);把…叫走;例句:He wanted to call off the moon race and cooperate with the soviets. ;取消探月行动并和苏联人合作。