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rectify: 纠正;矫正;改正

I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.


a correct answer


First of all, as for government should formulate the production quality standards according to the international market production testing standards and local practical testing standards.哪里不规范了 as for 表示至于,在你这句中,引导的是government should formulate the production quality standards,算一个从句然后according to 。。是一个短语那么你这句话就木有主句了~ 这不是“不规范”,是有语法错误了


第一篇文章不是一篇学术论文,主要发表的是作者自身的观点,因此相对来说不够客观,而第二篇文章是一篇学术论文,不同于第一个文章,这篇文章不单单只是针对一款便携设备进行表述。因此第二篇文章更加的中立。 Article one is not a thesis. It mainlyexpresses the authors own point of view, thus its relatively less objective. Articletwo is an academic papers and focus on the whole wearable device category,unlike the first article, which is not only focus on one product in thewearable device category. So, the second article is more neutral. 的是作者自身的观点,因此天成论文我帮你搞定的


第一篇文章是篇网络博客,本身这种问题在观点的描述上就有局限性,同时作者仅仅针对隐私问题的一个方面进行描述。第二篇文章是一篇规范的论文,这意味着其作者必须在理论上不得带有个人好恶的偏见,不得主观臆造,必须从客观实际出发,从中引出符合实际的结论。所以第二篇文章在“完整性”方面表述的更好。 Article one is a weblog, itself haslimitations on this kind of problem in the description of the view, at the sametime the author only for describing an aspect of the privacy problem. The secondarticle is a specification academic report, which means that its author mustnot be, personal likes and dislikes with prejudice in theory, shall subjectivecreation, must proceed from objective reality, which leads to realisticconclusions. So, the second article is better in the completeness. ,从中引出符合实际的结论。所以第二篇文章在“完整性”方面表述的更好。 Article one is a weblog, itself haslimitations on this kind of problem in the description of the view, at the sametime the author only for describing an aspect of the privacy problem. The secondarticle is a specification academic report, which means th恩 我们原创的 帮你额


可以纠正语法,可以替换高级词汇的 那必须是使用“易改”啦,哈哈


MacBook能开启英文自动联想、纠正吗?就像iPhone,iPad自带的英文键盘一样? 系统自带的输入法以及搜狗都不能没有英文自动联想纠正功能