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外贸开发信模板 英文(外贸开发信的写作方法)




Subject: [Your Subject Line]

Dear [Customer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. We are writing to introduce our company and offer our products/services that we believe could add value to your operations.

Our company [Your Company’s Name] is a leading provider of [Your Products/Services], with a focus on [Your Industry/Field]. We have been in business for [Number of Years] and counting, serving clients both locally and globally.

We specialize in [Your Products/Services], and are confident that our offerings can meet your unique needs and requirements. [If you have specific products or services that you would like to highlight, you can mention them here.]

We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss your current operations and how our products/services could fit within your organization. Additionally, we can provide competitive pricing options and ensure the best value for your dollar.

Please feel free to contact us at your convenience to schedule a meeting or to request additional information. We look forward to the possibility of working with you and your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]



1. 主题行:主题行应该简明扼要地概括邮件的内容,吸引收件人的兴趣,例如“寻找可靠的合作伙伴”或“关于产品合作的咨询”。

2. 问候语:在信件的开头,用礼貌的问候语称呼收件人,例如“尊敬的先生/女士”或“亲爱的先生/女士”。

3. 自我介绍:在开发信中,介绍自己或公司,包括背景、经验和专业领域等,以便收件人了解发件人的背景和能力。

4. 目标明确:明确表达自己的意图,例如希望与对方建立业务合作关系或了解对方的产品信息等。

5. 个性化定制:针对收件人的特定情况和需求,定制内容,展示您对他们业务的兴趣和了解。

6. 产品介绍:根据对方的需求,简洁明了地介绍自己公司的产品或服务,并明确优势和特点。

7. 价值陈述:强调自己产品或服务的价值,包括成本效益、质量保证、创新性等,吸引对方的兴趣。

8. 行动呼吁:在邮件结尾,提出具体的行动要求,例如预约会议或电话沟通,进一步探讨合作细节。

9. 结尾与问候:用礼貌的语言结束邮件,表达感谢和希望尽快得到回复,并用适当的问候语道别,例如“祝您生意兴隆”或“期待与您的合作”。

10. 格式和语法:确保邮件格式整齐清晰,避免拼写错误和语法问题,这样可以保持专业和可信度。



Dear Sir or Madam:Glad to get your contact info from Cologne Exhibition Centre.We specialized in coloured EPDM granules for 12 years in China , withthe strength of bright color , no sulphur technology , more enviromental andespecially UV resistance .Perfect quality ,considerate service and competitive price .The first corporation will be free trial ,If satisfied ,just paymentwithin 40 days,if not ,all the back freight my company will afford .Please contact me if any questions. .FREE SAMPLES will be sent for yourevaluation !Tks and brJack paymentwithin中间貌似要空格吧payment within付款后,不空格会误解的,yourevaluation中间也有空格your evaluation您的评价。介绍你们的时候可以多描写下公司的状况,让更过的去了解你们公司,在加上你们公司的优势能更好


我是做辅虎滇臼鄄铰殿歇东忙外贸的,经理让我每天写100封开发信开发客户,还要给她反馈。我今天没有完成任务,没好意思反馈,怎么办? 你也可以凉拌这样比较好吃


自己有开一个外贸公司,是做IC集成的,主要是自己有2个业务出去了,叫penny跟ivy,客户的邮箱资料都在我手里,我想发邮件让客户知道penny跟ivy都不再公司工作了,想把客户都拉过来,以下是我用翻译工具翻译的,求你们帮忙,感激不尽Dear Nice day ! I am the general manager of the (公司名), My name is Len MaOnce we cooperation in seekic Whats your impression of our company? I am very want to work with you for long time, we are good at in IC components ,capacitors and resistors ,diode and triode ,product PCB,LED and LCD ,connector ,fuse ,Computer accessories and cell phone accessories ……we are in business for 9 years,we are professional,worth you to chose !so hope you can send any other new inquiry to me, i must quote you the best price with good quality. ok?hope you can reply me as soon as you can.All the best 这封信估计会让客户晕死。中文信原文有吗?还有你这信里,没提到那2个业务员已经离开呀?