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求饥饿游戏片尾曲《Kingdom Come》的中英对照歌词眼瞎别来?饥饿游戏3插曲叫什么名字饥饿游戏3嘲笑鸟TheHanging


求饥饿游戏片尾曲《Kingdom Come》的中英对照歌词眼瞎别来

Kingdom ComeThe Civil Wars – Kingdom ComeRun, run, run away跑吧 跑吧 逃出去Buy yourself another day为自己争取一天的生命A cold wind’s whispering secrets in your ear冷风在耳边私语srcrets in your ear诉说着无数秘密Run, run, run and hide跑吧 跑吧 躲起来Somewhere no one else can find去一个没人能找到的地方Tall trees bend their leaves pointing where to go挺拔的树木会弯腰为你指路Where you will still be all alone路的尽头你仍将无比孤单Don’t you fret, my dear不要烦恼,我亲爱的It’ll all be over soon很快就会结束I’ll be waiting here for you我将会在这里等你Run fast as you can尽你所能的奔跑吧No one has to understand任何人都不会知道Fly high across the sky from here to kingdom come从这里的天空飞向来世Fall back down to where you’re from回到你出生的地方Don’t you fret, my dear不要烦恼,我亲爱的It’ll all be over soon很快就会结束I’ll be waiting here for you我会在这里等着你For you, for you等着你,等着你


#饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟# 插曲MV《The Hanging Tree〉上吊树以下是我按原电影翻译抄的,网上传的翻得失真 Are you, are you,Coming to the tree——你是否是否会来到这树旁  Where they strung up the men they saidmurdered ther——据说这树上吊着的是那夺取三条命的人  Strange things did happen here——奇怪的事发生于此  No stranger would it be——可更奇怪的是  If we meet at midnight in the hanging tree——我们午夜相会于这上吊树下  这六句重复四次,不过在这四段中的每个第二句内容不同:  第1段:Where they strung upthe men they said murdered there——据说这树上吊着的是那夺取三条命的人  第2段:Where the dead mancalled out for his love to flee——那死去的人曾在这呼唤恋人逃跑  第3段:Where I told you runso we would both be free——我曾在此让你离开这样我们都会获得自由  第4段:Where a necklace ofrope, side by side with me——戴上希望之链与我肩并肩

饥饿游戏片尾曲safe and sound原演唱者是谁

  饥饿游戏主题曲演唱者Taylor Swift    泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖、格莱美年度专辑奖等荣誉。  饥饿游戏主题曲中英文歌词  I remember tears streaming down your face  我记得泪水顺着你的脸颊流下  when I said, I’ll never let you go  当我说我将永不放开你的手  When all those shadows almost killed your light  当所有的阴影几乎挡住了你的光亮  I remember you said, don’t leave me here alone  我记得你说过:“别把我一个人扔下。”  But all that’s dead and gone and passed tonight  但这一切都在今晚化作尘埃  Just close your eyes  只需闭上你的眼睛  the sun is going down  太阳已西沉  You’ll be all right  你会没事的  no one can hurt you now  如今没有人能伤害你了  Come morning light  当明日晨光初现  You and I’ll be safe and sound  我们都将安然无恙  Don’t you dare look out your window darling  亲爱的,你害怕看到窗外吧  everything’s on fire  一切都在燃烧  The war outside our door keeps raging on  门外的战争仍在激烈的进行  hold onto this lullaby  牢牢记得我为你唱的这只摇篮曲  even when the music’s gone  即使音乐已经停止  Just close your eyes  只需闭上你的眼睛  the sun is going down  太阳已西沉  You’ll be all right  你会没事的  no one can hurt you now  如今没有人能伤害你了  Come morning light  当明日晨光初现  You and I’ll be safe and sound  我们都将安然无恙  Just close your eyes  只需闭上你的眼睛  You’ll be all right  你会没事的  Come morning light,  当明日晨光初现  You and I’ll be safe and sound  我们都将安然无恙