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姓名:YIF(欧美全名:Yif Wang)中文名:王亦丰 职业:魔术师生日:1987-3-13出生地点:北京海淀区304医院国籍: 法国祖籍:北京长大城市: 巴黎星座:双鱼座身高:178cm体重:64kg血型:A型学历:巴黎高等商学院工商管理硕士语言:法文, 英文, 中文,偶像:李连杰粉丝名称:YIFANS


Wang YiFei was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father and mother emigrated into France as merchants. His father and mother hope that he will go to the business college and then take over their business. But to his mother’s disappointment, he loves magic and decided to come back and make a living by magic.He spends nearly all the time practicing magic. He practices very hard. At first ,he did something for the magicians and learned from them. He invented magic,too. He read a lot of books about magic and bought some skills of magic. It cost a lot of money. He earns money from magic. In life, he earns money from teaching others English for a living.This young man likes using his head. Even though he is talking with the others , he is thinking about magic. He even plans to concentrate on studying magic when he earns enough money.It was very hard for him at first. He felt somewhat depressed. Magic needs process and skills. But finally he findsd that magic is the only thing he can concentrate on. He even cannot realize the exclamation or even screaming on stage when he is playing magic.辛苦写的,给个最佳答案吧,不然很伤心来



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