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「蠢蛋、 *** 、杂种…」英文怎么说?13个电影里常见的英文「脏字」!




English Like A Native的讲师Anna 提出了五个「脏字」,并用大量的例句来描述各种用法,是电影或影集中常见的对话喔!但也要记得谨慎使用,否则会冒犯到其他人!

1. 英式:Arse / arsehole (美式:ass / asshole)

(1) being unpleasant / difficult 很机车、令人不悦

You’re being an ass. Stop it! 别再这样了,你真的很机车!

(2) look foolish / silly 看起来愚蠢

You look like an ass. 你看起来很愚蠢。

(3) don’t believe in something 不相信某件事情

You climbed to the top of that building. My ass! 你爬到那栋楼的最顶端,我才不相信!

(4) to get beaten up 被教训

He will kick my ass if I don’t tidy up. 如果我不整理干净,就会被他修理。

(5) No way 不可能

You want me to wash your shirt? Kiss my ass! 你想要我帮你洗衬衫,不可能!

2. piss

(1) rain 形容雨势

It’s pissing it down. 雨下的真大!

(2) angry 感到愤怒

I’m really pissed off right now. 我现在非常生气。

(3) ask somebody to go away 叫某人离开

I’m sick of your attitude. Piss off!

(4) very drunk 醉醺醺地

e.g. I got really pissed last night.

3. Bitch

(1) Being nasty or difficult 机车、讨厌的

You’re being a bitch. 你真的很难搞。

(2) men behaving in feminine way 表现得不够有男子气概 e.g. Stop being a little bitch! 别再像个小 *** 一样了。

(3) plain 抱怨 e.g. Stop bitching about the journey! 别再抱怨这趟旅程了!

(4) a servant 仆人 e.g. She’s my bitch! She does anything I want. 她是我的仆人,她会为我做所有事情。

4. Cock / dick

(1) Someone being unpleasant / arrogant e.g. Stop being a cock! 别再这么难搞了!

5. shit

(1) rubbish e.g. The meal was shit, and I paid so much money for it. 这顿饭非常糟糕,而我还花了超多钱。

(2) express di *** ay / shock e.g. Oh shit! Really? 天啊!真的吗?

(3) shit-faced = get drunk 喝醉 e.g. I went out last night and I got shit-faced. 我昨晚出去玩,还喝得醉醺醺的。

(4) stuff 东西 e.g. Get your shit together and let’s go! 把你的东西收拾好,我们走吧!

(5) a lot 很多 e.g. There was a shit load of people at the train station this morning. 今天早上火车站里有超多人。

(6) trouble 麻烦 e.g. You are a deep shit. 你真是个大麻烦。

6. Bastard

to insult somebody 侮辱别人 e.g. You’re a bastard. 你真是个杂种!

7. Prick

to call someone you don’t like or behaves badly 讨厌的人 e.g. I’m not working with him because he’s a prick. 我不再和他一起工作,因为它是个混帐!

8. Knob / knobhead

to call someone who is difficult 难相处的人 e.g. Stop being a knobhead. 别再当个蠢蛋了!

9. Tosser

To call someone who is despicable 卑劣的人 e.g. He’s a tosser. I don’t like him. 他是个浑蛋,我不喜欢他。

10. Wanker

A person who is very drunk 喝醉 e.g. Tim was wankered after the party. 在派对之后,Tim就醉倒了。

11. Twat

(1) Hit 打 e.g. They atted me right in the nose. 他们打了我的鼻子。

(2) drunk 喝醉 e.g. I got atted yesterday. 我昨晚喝醉了。

12. Fuck

(1) Expression of anger / frustration / di *** elieve 表达愤怒、沮丧或不相信

(2) To intensify another word – *** ing 加重另一个单字的语气 e.g. He is a *** ing idiot. 他真是个 *** !

(3) sexually intercourse ***

(4) mess around 搞砸某事 e.g. Stop *** ing around and hurry up! 别再胡搞瞎搞了,快一点!

(5) be beaten up 被教训 e.g. I got *** ed up by that woman. 我被那个女人教训了。

(6) go away 走开 e.g. Fuck off! 走开!

(7) to be taken advantage of 利用 e.g. My business partner *** ed me over when he signed a business deal without me. 当我的生意伙伴在没有我的同意之下就签署那份契约时,我就被利用了。

13. Cunt

指女性的外生殖器。 Insult people 用来侮辱他人,非常不雅的单字,应尽量避免使用 。

ass, asshole, asshole 中文, asshole 意思, asshole 翻译, bastard, bastard 中文, bastard 意思, bastard 翻译, bitch, bitch 中文, bitch 意思, bitch 翻译, cock, cock 中文, cock 意思, cock 翻译, cunt, dick, dick 中文, dick 意思, dick 翻译, *** , *** 中文, *** 意思, *** 翻译, *** ing, knob, knobhead, piss, prick, shit, shit 中文, shit 意思, shit 翻译, swear, tosser, at, wanker, *** 英文, *** 英文, 英文 脏字, 蠢蛋 英文, 杂种 英文