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一、详细释义:,n.,边,缘 [C],例句:,Tianya Haijiao means “the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea”.,“天涯海角”意思是“天空的边缘和海洋的边缘”。,例句:,The water was even with the rim of the basin.,盆里的水与盆边平齐了。,框边;轮辋,轮缘 [C],例句:,The ball hit the rim and bounced off.,球击中篮框边缘并弹开了。,例句:,He fitted the tire around the rim of the wheel.,他把轮胎安到轮辋上。,v.,镶边于;形成边缘;作...的边 [I,T],例句:,Trees rimmed the pool.,池塘边长了一圈树。,例句:,She opened the door and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her.,她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。,二、词义辨析:,edge,border,margin,rim,verge,brim,fringe,这些名词均有“边,边缘”之意。edge普通用词,指较窄的边沿。border侧重刚好在界线内的一部分表面上,指较宽的边缘,也可指边缘本身。margin指物体的空白边,一般较宽。rim指圆形或有曲线的物体的边缘。verge指明显地标志一个表在或一广阔空间的边界,或终端线,也指极狭窄的空间。常用作比喻。brim指深容器的内边或河、湖等水域的最高线。fringe指地毯的须边、围巾的花边、烫发的卷边或人羣的边缘。,三、相关短语:,rim blight,叶缘疫病,四、参考例句:,The rim of the teacup is chipped.,茶碗边缺了个口儿。,The milk slopped over the rim of the glass.,牛奶溢到玻璃杯外面来了。,The water was even with the rim of the basin.,盆里的水与盆边齐平了。,The valley ended in a perpendicular rim of granite.,那山谷的尽头是花岗石的断崖。,The ball hit the rim and bounced off.,球击中篮框边缘并弹开了。,With these shoes, I can almost touch the rim.,有了这双鞋,我几乎可以摸到篮框了。,She put a flower on the rim of the hat.,她在帽子边上放了一朵花。,Whisky splashed over the rim of his glass.,威士忌酒从他杯子的边缘溅了出来。,Rim has only a few months to change course.,RIM只有几个月的时间来调整方向。,He fitted the tire around the rim of the wheel.,他把轮胎安到轮辋上。