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《中学教材全练》 、《典中点》也有单元测试题以及期中期末测试题。




一、用括号中动词的适当形式和 for 或 since 填空。
e.g. Nick has played (play) in the school football team for six months.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄
1.Sally ____(know) me ____ she moved to london.
2.My aunt and uncle ____(have) this new car ____ the spring.
3.They ____(be) in Beijing ____ many years.
4.Lucy ____(work) for her pany ____ 1998.
5.Jane and Alice ____(study) French ____ a year.
6.Mr.Smith ____(be) in New York now. He ____(be) there ____ last week.
He ____ ____ to another city.
2.Oxfam 是一个为不同的项目筹集钱的组织。
Oxfam is an anisation ____ ____ ____ ____ fifferent projects.
It sells fruit ____ ____ poor far一、用括号中动词的适当形式和 for 或 since 填空。
e.g. Nick has played (play) in the school football team for six months.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 4.希望工程已经培训了大约3000名教师。
Project Hope ____ ____ ____ three thousand teachers.
He ____ ____ ____ the bill.  ̄ ̄


1. There a book and o pencils on the desk.
A. are  B. is   C. am   D. be
2. We arrive Beijing at 3:00 in the afternoon.
A. to   B. in   C. at   D. /
3. ---Please  your homework to school tomorrow.  ---OK.
A. take  B. bring    C. takes   D. brings
4. Please  on a piece of paper.
A. write they down  B. write down they  C. write them down  D. write down them
5. Let’s talk about .
A. different something
B. different anything
C. something different
D. anything different
6.  Children’s Day, we play and sing some songs.
A. On   B. In   C. Of D. At
7. I have o sisters. One is Joy,  is Kate.
A. other    B. the other   C. another  D. her o
8. I have o rooms, I can let him  one.
A. has  B. have  C. to have  D. having
9. Miss Wang taught  English. 
A. we   B. our  C. us    D. ours
10. I am   at maths than Li Lei. 
A. good  B. better   C. well  D. best
11. Our room is  bigger than theirs. 
A. many  B. most  C. much  D. more
12. My mother taught me  clothes last night.
A. washing  B. wash  C. washes   D. to wash
13. They made us  China. 
A. live  B. live in  C. lived    D. lived in
14. It’s time for class. The teacher asked us to .
A. s talking    B. s talk    C. sping talk    D. sping talking
15. Lily helps me my homework on Sundays.
A. does  B. doing    C. do    D. with do
16. I know nothing about it  my friend told me yesterday.
A. because  B. since    C. until  D. so
17. Wang Hai  his homework and now he is watching TV.
A. has finished  B. finished  C. will finishD. finishes
18. Everyone except them  a teacher. 
A. am   B. is    C. are   D. he
19. ---I don’t like chicken.  ---I don’t like it, .
A. too  B. also  C. either   D. and
20. Lily  go home at six in the evening every day.
A. has to   B. had to    C. have to  D. must have
1. We  (see) each other before.
2. They asked me  ( not be) late for class.
3. Did the girls have much homework  (do).
4. I have many  (兴趣).
5. I saw him  (微笑) yesterday morning.
1. The in brothers usually go to school on foot. (同义句)
  The in brothers usually  school.
2. The flowers are very beautiful. (感叹句)
3. Our father is reading a newspaper,  ?
4. The paper is made into the books. (同义句) 
  The books  paper.
5. The grapes are very sweet. 
  the grapes are!
We were going to play a team from a country school. They didn’t e  1   the game time arrived. They looked  2   than we had thought. They were wearing  3   blue jeans and looked like poor farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a  4   before.
We all sat down. We felt that we didn’t  5   any practice against a team like that. It was already so late that no  6   could be given to them for a warm-up(热身).
The game began. One of our boys  7   the ball and shot a long pass to our forward(前锋). Suddenly a boy in a dirty T-shirt  8   the ball and with a beautiful form(姿势) he shot and got o scores. They  9   us. Then they got another pair of scores in a minute.
Soon it was all over. The country team  10   us.
1. A. when   B. after    C. and  D. until
2. A. worse  B. better   C. stranger    D. younger
3. A. clean  B. dirty    C. fine    D. nice
4. A. basketball  B. football  C. volleyball  D. tennis ball
5. A. get    B. use   C. need D. try
6. A. place  B. time  C. use    D. ball
7. A. got    B. missed    C. brought    D. kept
8. A. changed    B. caught    C. started    D. threw 
9. A. pleased    B. broke  C. hit    D. surprised
10. A. won   B. lost  C. beat   D. saved
In the world today, all of the people need recreation(消遣). We cannot work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life.
Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular form is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are also individual(个人的)sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoor.
Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing.
It doesn’t matter whether we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some forms of recreation.
1. Which is the most popular form of recreation?
A. Sports
B. Watching TV
C. Sleeping
D. Singing and dancing
2. People want to take part in sports in order to .
A. keep healthy and enjoy life
B. make friends
C. find a good job
D. make more money
3. Outdoor sports include  .
A. watching TV
B. singing and dancing 
C. listening to the radio
D. skating and mountain climbing
4. Why do many people like watching sports on TV or listening to them on the radio?
A. Because they like sports, but they don’t like to take part in them.
B. Because they don’t enjoy sports.
C. Because they don’t enjoy life.
D. Because they don’t need recreation.
5. The passage mainly tells us that .
A. basketball is a kind of team sport
B. everyone who enjoys sports should take part in them
C. different people have different ways of relaxing
D. indoor recreation is not as important as outdoor sports
1. B   点拨:There be句型的就近原则。
2. B   点拨:arrive in+大地点。
3. B   点拨:本题是一个祈使句,要求句首用动词原形。题意为“把作业带到学校来”,故选bring。
4. C   点拨:write down表示“写下,记下”,代词要放在中间。
5. C   点拨:形容词修饰something, anything,等不定代词时,要放在不定代词的后面。
6. A   点拨:在英文中表示在某一天用介词on。
7. B   点拨:“one…the other…”,表示两个中的“一个……另一个……”。
8. B   点拨:let *** do sth表示让某人做某事。
9. C   点拨:teach *** sth 此句型中teach为动词,其后要加代词的宾格形式。
10. B  点拨:本题中用到了be good at…的比较级形式be better at…表示“更擅长”。
11. C  点拨:在形容词或副词的比较级前可用much来修饰,表示“……得多”。
12. D  点拨:teach *** to do sth 表示教某人做某事。
13. B  点拨:本题中make *** do sth表示“使/让……做……”。
14. A  点拨:S doing sth表示“停止做某事”。
15. C  点拨:help *** (to) do sth。
16. C  点拨:not…until表示“直到……才”
17. A  点拨:根据题意应用完成时态。
18. B  点拨:主语是everyone不定代词,是单数。
19. C  点拨:either表示“也”,放在句尾。
20. A  点拨:have to 表示“不得不”,其单三形式为:has to。
1. have seen  点拨:完成时态。
2. not to be  点拨:ask *** not to do。
3. to do  点拨:动词不定式修饰名词。
4. interests  点拨:兴趣为可数名词。
5. *** ile  点拨: see *** do sth。
1. walk to
2. What beautiful
3. isn’t he
4. are made of
5. How sweet
1. D  2. A  3. B  4. A  5. C  6. B  7. A  8. B  9. D  10. C
1. A  2. A  3. D  4. A  5. C


1. “have to”的意思是“一定要,不得不……”,它的否定结构表示“没有必要”。
  它的单三结构为“has to”。

2. thank you for sth或thanks for sth表示“感谢你……”。



湖北教育出版社人教版八年级上数学练习册P23--24页的题目,答案也行 谢谢啦~坐等题目!



guān cháo
观 潮
sòng cháo zhōu mì
宋 朝 周 密
zhè jiāng zhī cháo , tiān xià zhī wěi guān yě 。 zì jì wàng
浙 江 之 潮 , 天 下 之 伟 观 也 。 自 既 望
yǐ zhì shí bā rì wéi zuì shèng 。 fāng qí yuǎn chū hǎi
以 至 十 八 日 为 最 盛 。 方 其 远 出 海
mén , jǐn rú yín xiàn ; jì ér jiàn jìn , zé yù chéng xuě
门 , 仅 如 银 线 ; 既 而 渐 近 , 则 玉 城 雪
lǐng , jì tiān ér lái , dà shēng rú léi tíng , zhèn hàn jī
岭 , 际 天 而 来 , 大 声 如 雷 霆 , 震 撼 激
shè , chūn tiān pai rì , shì jí xióng háo 。 yáng chéng zhāi shī
射 , 春 天 派 日 , 势 极 雄 豪 。 杨 诚 斋 诗
yún " hǎi yǒng yín wéi guō ,jiāng héng yù xì yāo " zhě shì
云 " 海 涌 银 为 郭 , 江 横 玉 系 腰 " 者 是
yě 。
也 。
měi suì jīng jūn chū zhè jiāng tíng jiào yuè shuǐ jūn , méng
每 岁 京 君 出 浙 江 亭 教 阅 水 军 , 艨
chōng shù bǎi , fēn liè liǎng àn ; jì ér jìn bēn téng fēn
艟 数 百 , 分 列 两 岸 ; 既 而 尽 奔 腾 分
hé sān zhèn zhī shì , bìng yǒu chéng qí nòng qí biāo qiāng
合 三 阵 之 势 , 并 有 乘 骑 弄 旗 标 枪
wǔ dāo yú shuǐ miàn zhě , rú lǚ píng dì 。 shū ěr huáng
舞 刀 于 水 面 者 , 如 履 平 地 。 倏 尔 黄
yān sì qǐ rén wù lüè bù xiāng dǔ , shuǐ bào hōng zhèn,
烟 四 起 人 物 略 不 相 睹 , 水 爆 轰 震 ,
shēng rú bēng shān 。 yān xiāo bō jìng , zé yī gě wú jì ,
声 如 崩 山 。 烟 消 波 静 , 则 一 舸 无 迹 ,
jǐn yǒu dí chuán wéi dà suǒ fén , suí bō ér shì 。
仅 有 敌 船 为 大 所 焚 , 随 波 而 逝 。
wú dì shàn qiú zhě shù bǎi , jiē pī fā wén shēn , shǒu
吴 地 善 泅 者 数 百 , 皆 披 发 文 身 , 手
chí shí fú dà cǎi qí ,zhēng xiān gǔ yǒng , sù yíng ér
持 十 幅 大 彩 旗 , 争 先 鼓 勇 , 溯 迎 而
shàng , chū mò yú jīng bō wàn cūn zhōng , téng shēn bǎi biàn ,
上 , 出 没 于 鲸 波 万 村 中 , 腾 身 百 变,
ér qí wěi lüè bù zhān shī , yǐ cǐ kuā néng 。
而 旗 尾 略 不 沾 湿 , 以 此 夸 能 。
jiāng gàn shàng xià shí yú lǐ jiān , zhū cuì luó qǐ yì
江 干 上 下 十 余 里 间 , 珠 翠 罗 绮 溢
mù , chē mǎ sāi tú , yǐn shí bǎi wù jiē bèi qióng cháng
目 , 车 马 塞 途 , 饮 食 百 物 皆 倍 穹 常
shí , ér jiù lìn kàn mù , suī xí dì bù róng xián yě。
时 , 而 僦 赁 看 幕 , 虽 席 地 不 容 闲 也 。赞同0| 评论


五年中考三年模拟, 很好的练习册,




班级 姓名 考号 校名 2012年秋季期小学语文五年级期中检测(二) 一、汉语拼音。(5分) 1. 看拼音,写词语。(3分) bào jǐng chuāng lián fēn biàn ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. 给带点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(2分) 散文(sàn sǎn) 潜水(qián qiǎn)...