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当用he/she/it时用cannot,后面个verb不用加s? Cannot = ability to doing something e.g. He cannot go to school because he is sick. She cannot do the homework because her arms are hurt. The bird cannot fly because its legs are hurt. John cannot be so careless. 2009-06-18 16:12:22 补充: 楼上位仁兄, He cannot go to school because he is sick 同 He cannot go to school because he get sick 都无分别,get sick 同 is sick 系一样架!我只想提醒你。
参考: me-------so [email protected]@
你好,是的,我们通常都是用回原本的动词在 cannot 的后面,无论什么代名词 (pronoun) 或人的名字也好,也就是说用不带 to 不定式 (bare infinitive) 的动词 (verb),动词后面没有加任何东西,譬如 s、-ing、-ed 之类的形式。 你可以参考以下的网址,里面有我的解释。。。 .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7009060800554 我想说 He cannot go to school because he is / gets sick. 语法上都是正确的。 我们也可以写成 He cannot go to school because he feels sick. 的。 由于 To get + adjective = to bee
show a change of state,所以我们可以写 get cool、get hungry、get tired、get married e 的咯。 希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
所有modal verb都吾洗 (modal verb系can
will等等) 总之系not就吾洗

无论系he/she/it **勿c0py !**
参考: 自己 : )
The verb after modal verbs (e.g. can
will) should be the original word that you get from the dictionary
i.e. dont add s
ing or anything to it. By the way
He cannot go to school because he is sick是正确 He cannot go to school because he get sick是错的 get + past participle is informal English. get + adjective is wrong.
cannot后面个verb不需要加s 还有一些字后面个verb都不需要加s
例如: will
will not should
should not do not
did not must
must not may
may not shall to
he/she/it时用cannot,后面个verb不用加s 第三人称单数
参考: Myself
不需要,而且不止是cannot,而且will,shall等等都不需要加s 举个例: He cannot go to school because he is sick 他不能上学是因为他生病了 2009-06-18 16:01:21 补充: 更正.... He cannot go to school because he is sick是错的,正确应该是: He cannot go to school because he get sick (to后面不用转任何文法)
参考: 我
当用he/she/it时用cannot 后面个verb五洗
参考: me