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英语学习资料:《雷神3》7月开拍 上映时间已确定



  昆士兰总理annastacia palaszczuk和漫威影业总裁David Maisel发布了影片即将开始拍摄的公告。


  Palaszczuk问 Maise是不是会有很多当地人会有机会参与影片 拍摄。


  Palaszczuk 告诉Maisel昆士兰非常期待大片的拍摄。 她说 “这是非常令人兴奋的,昆士兰这么多年来一直希望与漫威合作。”

  由克里斯•海姆斯沃斯主演雷神和导演塔伊加•维迪提组成的全明星阵容还包括大师、洛基Tom Hiddleston、绿巨人Mark Ruffalo、海姆达尔Idris Elba、Jeff Goldblum扮演反派宗师!Tessa Thompson扮演女武神瓦尔基里!Karl Urban扮演处决者Skurge。


  “我认为这是一个前所未见的巨大转变。” “导演塔伊加•维迪提,如果你了解他的任何工作,你会发现他拥有难以置信的喜剧天赋,他用心做他所做的任何事情。但你知道这是一个非常不一样的索尔,一个非常不一样的洛基。我们去了另一个世界,我们在这之前从未经历过的。 “你知道吗,这很有趣。不过我得绕开这个问题,因为我不能说太多。”

  抖森Tom Hiddleston被问到了绿巨人将出现在《雷神3:诸神黄昏》时是这样回应的:“绿巨人来到仙宫已经不是什么秘密了,不过上次他俩共处一室时对洛基来说可不是什么好的经历。所以这次会发生一些有趣的事情,你们等着瞧!


  LIGHTS, camera, action! Principal photography on Chris Hemsworth’s next Marvel blockbuster, Thor: Ragnarok, will begin on the Gold Coast on July 4.The Phase 3 sequel will be based at Village Roadshow Studios for the duration of the shoot, expected to continue through until late-October.Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Marvel Studios executive David Maisel announced the date in a video released to The Bulletin.“We opened the offices in Gold Coast about three months ago and we start principal photography in Gold Coast Australia on Thor: Ragnarok on July 4 and we’ll be shooting there through to late October,” Mr Maisel said.Ms Palaszczuk asked Mr Maisel if lots of locals would get an opportunity to be involved in the production.“Hundreds and hundreds of local folk — as many as we can possible get while we are there,” he said.Ms Palaszczuk told Mr Maisel Queensland was looking forward to hosting the blockbuster.“It’s really exciting and Queensland wants to keep partnering with Marvel for many, many more years to e,” she said.Lead by Hemsworth as Thor, director Taika Waititi’s all-star cast includes Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Karl Urban as Skurge and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie.Speaking during a panel discussion at last week’s Wizard World Philadelphia convention, Hemsworth said fans would get to see “different” takes on both Thor and Loki in Thor: Ragnarok.“Man, it is a lot of fun,” he said.“I think tonally it’s a big shift in a great way, more than anything we’ve seen before.“Taika Waititi, the director, if you know any of his work, yeah, he’s just an incredible sort of edic talent, a lot of heart in everything he does.“But you know it’s a very different Thor, it’s a different Loki.“I think there’s a — we go off on another world that we haven’t experienced before.“It’s fun you know, but that’s me skirting around the issue because I can’t say too much.”Fellow panellist Hiddleston said fans could look forward to an epic rematch between Hulk and Loki in Thor: Ragnarok.“Let’s not fet that it’s no secret that the Hulk shows up in Ragnarok, and the last time Loki and Hulk were in the same room didn’t go very well for Loki,” he said.“So, he’s got a few chips on his shoulder, but it’s fun. You’ll see.”



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