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一、详细释义:,adj.,中间的,正中的,中部的,中央的,例句:,As a result, most applications use only the middle button as a shortcut.,因此,多数应用程序只能将中间键当做快捷操作的捷径。,例句:,The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.,制服上装中间的钮釦在他的肚子上绷得紧紧的。,中级的,中等的,例句:,The markets locate at severing middle and high-end markets.,公司的产品市场定位是服务于中高端市场。,例句:,His middle son died in a drowning accident five years back.,他排行居中的那个儿子5年前意外溺水身亡。,中期的,例句:,The month began and ended quite dry, but the middle fortnight saw nearly 100mm of rain fall nationwide.,本月月初和月末颇为干燥, 不过中旬的两周全国有将近100毫米的降水。,n.,中部,中央,中间,例句:,Do you divide your hair at the side or in the middle?,你的头发是偏分还是从中间分?,例句:,I was in the middle of the back row.,我在后排的中间。,腰部,例句:,He's getting fatter round the middle.,他的腰部变粗了。,例句:,My skirt won't meet round my middle.,我的裙子太窄,系不上。,中期,例句:,It was now the middle of November, cold and often foggy.,现在是11月中旬,天气寒冷而且经常有雾。,例句:,By the middle of 1979, Jimmy Carter was in serious political trouble.,1979年中期,吉米·卡特陷入了严重的政治困境。,v.,(把…)放在中间;(把…)对折 [I,T],二、词义辨析:,center,middle,heart,core,midst,这些名词均含有“中心”之意。center指三维空间的中心点,也可比喻抽象事物的中心。middle一般指时间、空间或过程两端间等距的部分。heart指事物最内部或最重要的部分,表地理位置时可与center换用。core指某事物固定的中心部分或最重要的核心部分。比喻意义指某物的精华。midst书面语用词,指在一个羣体的深处或在某活动的进程中。,三、相关短语:,in the middle,在中间,在中途;进退维谷,左右为难,middle age,n.中年,middle class,n.中产阶级,middle school,n.中等学校,中学,middle ages,n. (前面与the连用)中世纪,中古时代,middle ear,n.[解]鼓室,中耳,middle finger,n.[解]中指,middle term,n.[逻]中词,中项,middle distance,n. (赛跑的)中距离(约400至1500米),middle name,n. 1.中名,名和姓之间的名字 2.突出的个性,middle watch,n. 午夜值勤,middle east,n.中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区),四、参考例句:,Middle management is mediocre.,中层管理很中庸。,We are middle school students.,我们是中学生。,Tom sits in the middle.,汤姆坐在中间。,My middle name is "silliness".,我的中间名叫“糊涂”。,The man has reached middle age.,这人已到了中年。,We had studied physiology in middle school.,我在中学就已经学过生理学。,The middle school has about 500 students.,那所中学大概有500个学生。,She is the middle child of three.,三个孩子,她是老二。,I was in the middle of nowhere!,我处在一个无名之地!,Does he have a middle name?,他有中间名字吗?