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会计问题.Debit note?credit note?



会计问题.Debit note?credit note?

The entries in Hong Kong's pany.
When the payment is made. Dr. Current Aount with Macau Office/Company and Cr. Bank. At the same time, a debit note is made. This debit note will be the supporting of this payment voucher. When money is received from Macau, Dr. Bank Cr. Current Aount with Macau Office/Company.

The entries in Macau's office will be Dr. Salalaries Cr. Current Aount with Hong Kong Office/Company.,咁如果2个公司的中间人有个A/C : director current A./C??,由于你嘅个案系中国香港人,所以问题会系聘用条件。假如一切无变,员工会继绩扣强积金而公司会继绩帮佢供。另一个系薪俸税问题:交澳门税时候边个负责?定系中国香港公司照报员工收入,而澳门公司帮员工俾当地税金?入账如下﹝假设聘任条款无变又无另外出应聘书(Employment Letter)﹞:1. Dr. Salaries and Wages (say) $10,000 Cr. Bank $9,500 MPF – staff portion $500 2. Dr. Macau Co. C/A $10,000 Cr. Salaries $9,500 MPF – Co. portion $500你会发现强积金(MPF) credit 咗两次,因为公司要帮员工供款。供款时候会咁样入账:3. Dr. MPF – staff portion $500 MPF – Co. portion $500 Cr. Bank $1,000仅供参考,