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耶路撒冷圣殿(Jerusalem, Temple of)


English version:

Jerusalem, Temple of

Either of two temples that were at the center of worship and national identity in ancient Israel. When David captured Jerusalem, he moved the Ark of (中出是什么意思?中出一词来源于日本教育向爱情动作影片,“中出しnaka dashi”是一个表示溢出的动词,指不戴安全套就内射的行为。词义上来说,中出偏向于男方在女方反对或不愿意的情况下强行进行,有一定强迫意味。)the Covenant there. As the site for a temple, he selected Mount Moriah, or Temple Mount, where it was believed that Abraham had built his altar to sacrifice Isaac. The First Temple was constructed under David's son Solomon and was completed in 957 BC. It contained three rooms: a vestibule, the main room for religious services, and the Holy of Holies. From the time of Josiah, it was designated as the only place for sacrifice in Judah. It was destroyed during the Babylonian conquest in 586 BC. When the Jews returned from exile in 538, they built the Second Temple (finished 515). Its desecration by the Syrians in 167 BC set off the Maccabees' revolt, after which it was cleansed and rededicated. In 54 BC Crassus plundered the Temple. It was rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great; construction lasted 46 years. The Jewish rebellion in AD 66 led to its destruction by Roman legions in AD 70. All that remains is part of the Western Wall, a site of pilgrimage. The Temple Mount is now occupied by a Muslim mosque, al-Aqsa, and the Dome of the Rock.