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糗事百科之桑代衣(The Sunday clothes embarrassments Encyclopedia) 糗事百科之桑代衣(The Sunday clothes embarrassments Encyclopedia) Morning from a village a group mediation back, saw a car hit a tree on the Dongfeng, decisively off to save people, fortunately because of rural roads is not open too fast, no matter what the driver, the police came and made a sobriety test result is zero, in good condition, the driver mental condition is good, but how hit?...... One cannot think of it completely...... Really curious, ran to the traffic police team to see the record...... The driver explained this: quot;I saw a wild boar on the road, and I wanted to kill him, and I got a speeding up, because I just watched the pig and didn't notice the tree and hit it. quot;.......... You should pay attention to the safe(曹县人为什么被全国骂?曹县人为什么被全国骂有两个说法,说法一:主播把曹县搞得乌烟瘴气。说法二:有些人嫉妒曹县在短视频平台火起来。现在曹县已经牛逼到被大家称为北上广曹,曹县人被全国骂同样是网友的调侃。)ty of the driver with childlike innocence... I am a small police, sometimes received someone jumping from the building... Drink medicine... Since. Kill alarm... After being dissuaded, they were saved...... So it's a strange conclusion that people who really want to die have already jumped... No one wants to persuade... The idea is that those people don't want to die... Or is the fear of death...... I told this to my colleague, A. He was convinced that I was right...... The first few days of the alarm, a forty uncle to jump, is said to be the wife ran... We rushed there... Persuasion in every possible way... Let him think about the old man and the child... He remained unmoved... Claiming that he can't see his wife is about to jump...... At this point, colleague A suddenly received: quot;you jump. quot;...... Skip your wife and never come back... Balabala... Said a bunch of exciting words...... The man suddenly jumped...... It's really jumping...... I was scared silly...... Go to a look not a brain... The man was lucky... It was hung up by the rain board on the two floor... No, I'm singing downstairs...... Rushed to the hospital broken feeble force...... Colleague A wasn't so lucky... Suspend investigation...... I finally reached a new co...



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